My Devices

Tap "Devices" on the  home screen to open My Devices.

①Unlock the entrance《NinjaEntrance》

You can unlock the entrance with a swipe from the app.

②Lock/unlock the front door《NinjaLock M》

The smart lock can be unlocked/locked with a swipe from the app.
You can also check the operating status and battery level.

③Select how to view devices

Change the device order.


Tap "All Device".


Select the order of devices from the list by tapping on them.

Control the device

The operation buttons allow you to operate installed devices and devices added by residents.

Add Device

Add smart home devices purchased by the tenant.

⑥Entrance setting《OPELO entrance》

You can issue a password for one day only, such as when you want to let a guest into the apartment while you are out.

Front door settings《OPELO》

You can issue a password for one day only, such as when you want to let a guest into the room while you are out.

In addition, we will issue a password for initializing the password registered in the smart lock and the IC card information.